Short courses
Our short courses presently require physical attendance on our grounds in Johannesburg.
Dates, duration and fees will be advertised timeously.
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Jesus Prayer: Theological Background & Meditative Practice

The ‘Jesus Prayer’ is a fundamental element in the spirituality of the Christian East. Having its origins in the monastic tradition of the desert fathers and mothers, it developed into a ‘school of prayer’ with a theological foundation.
As a method of contemplative prayer, it offers its practitioners a deeper communion with God and, in the process, a way of dealing with the pressures and anxieties of contemporary life.
Components of the course will include:
Origins and Development
Underlying Theology
‘The Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer’ (movie & discussion)
The Practice of the Prayer
Logotherapy: The Search for Meaning
In September of 1942, a young doctor, his new bride, his mother, father and brother, were arrested in Vienna and taken to a concentration camp in Bohemia. It was events that occurred there and at three other camps that led the young doctor – prisoner 119,104 – to realize the significance of meaningfulness in life.
It would be, in fact, the meaningfulness that could be found in suffering itself that would most impress him: Without suffering and death human life cannot be complete. That young doctor was Viktor Emil Frankl and he founded a school of psychology called Logotherapy, which is based on the premise that the human person is motivated by a “will to meaning,” an inner pull to find a meaning in life.
This course will familiarise participants with the history of Viktor Frankl and his school of thought. Parallels will be shown between Logotherapy and Christianity with regard to the role of meaning and meaningfulness in our existence.
Components of the course will include:
Background on Viktor Frankl
Frankl’s view of the human person and the human condition
What is meant by ‘Meaning’?
The ‘Tragic Triad’ and Suffering as a process
When Meaning is lost
Embracing the Meaning of Life

Business Ethics

Business ethics matter. It is no longer good enough to say that businesses are amoral, impersonal organisations that have no need of an ethical framework. Human relationships are conducted according to a certain set of ethical standards.
Human relationships make businesses work. It follows that businesses must abide by clear ethical standards too. Worldwide, but particularly in developing countries, corporate social responsibility is commanding increasing public attention.
This course sheds valuable light on an area that has become a critical consideration for business, as well as offering useful practical advice to organisations on developing and implementing their ethical standards.
World Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam
and Traditional African Religion
At a time when our world is becoming increasingly polarised and our perception of our neighbour is shaped by the media and political agendas, it is becoming increasingly significant that we accept and respect the diversity within our society and world at large.
This acceptance and respect is, to a large extent, based on understanding what our non-Christian neighbours believe with regard to God, the world and humankind. Acceptance and respect have much to do with knowing what the “others” are celebrating and why.
This course offers a general introduction to the world religions, namely Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Traditional African Religion.
It aims at explaining the basic tenets of each of these faiths as well as introducing their founders and the most important observances and festivals.
This course is not one of comparative religion. It is an objective course, and will treat each religion on its own merit.